July 24 – 28, 2024

Learning Finnish can be fun! This class will start with the basics of Finnish greetings and short memorized phrases, and then branch out into conjugating verbs and creating simple sentences and questions so that we can talk about who we are and what we like to do, and then learn about our classmates. There will be lots of variety, movement, songs, games, simple conversations, and repetition to help us learn the language–while having fun.

Presenter Bio: Tiina Watts teaches Finnish at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, as well as at Salolampi adult week programs in northern Minnesota and on Zoom. She currently is teaching 6 different Zoom classes. She received her Masters’ degree in Second Language Teaching in 2020. Her mother is Finnish born and raised, and Tiina herself, when she was younger, lived in Finland for almost 5 years;. Tiina has 7 children and 11 grandchildren; her children speak varying degrees of Finnish and her grandchildren can all sing “Ă„idin porsaat” and “Taivas on sininen.”